
ACHASM News Blog

Designing for Construction Health and Safety (H&S) Seminar

Designing for Construction Health and Safety (H&S) Seminar,
Tuesday 13 March 2018
The need for the Seminar
In terms of ‘Structures 6(1)’, the Construction Regulations require a range of health and safety (H&S) interventions by designers. Furthermore, there is a need in South Africa for holistically educated clients, project managers, architects, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, quantity surveyors, construction managers, and construction H&S consultants. Currently, most tertiary built environment programmes, particularly designer related, do not address construction H&S, and if so, then to a limited or cursory extent.

A further aspect is that of performance. International research indicates that optimum construction H&S provides the catalyst for improving overall performance on construction sites - cost, environmental, productivity, quality, time, and client, designer, and worker satisfaction included.

Furthermore, the International Labour Office (ILO) specifically states that designers should:
• receive training in construction H&S;
• integrate the H&S of construction workers into the design and planning process;
• not include anything in a design which would necessitate the use of dangerous structural or other procedures or hazardous materials, which could be avoided by design modifications or by substitute materials, and
• consider the H&S of workers during subsequent maintenance.

For more information on this seminar, and details on the modules that will be presented, please refer to: DfCHS Seminar Flyer Version 210218.pdf

To register for this event, please complete this registration form and return it to the Registrar at [email protected]

ACHASM Designing for Construction HS RF Version 200218.xlsx

CPD Saiosh.pdf

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