
ACHASM News Blog

From monthly archives: July 2017

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2017'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Western Cape Chapter Meeting

The Western Cape Chapter will be having a meeting on Thursday the 10th August 2017 from 16h00 to 18h30 at CPUT, Bellville campus (exact auditorium to be confirmed closer the time)

Topic to be discussed: Designing for construction health & safety.

Presenter: Anton Krause representing RAG Strategists and ACHASM.

Please RSVP before 28 July to accommodate seating, thanks.

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ACHASM Eastern Cape Chapter - Notice of Presentation

Port Elizabeth, 2 August 2017

Please note this awesome opportunity! We are privileged to present the speaker, Dévan Venter, Lead Engineer, PERI, based in Durban, to the NMB construction community.


Support work continues to remain a challenge, collapses and other incidents featuring regularly in the media, and in industry anecdotes. 

The presentation will be of relevance to architects, Construction H&S Agents / Managers / Officers, engineers, inspectors, project managers, quantity surveyors, and all interested construction role players.

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