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2 Day Summit
Belmont Square Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa,
1 - 2 October 2018
‘The Role of Procurement and SCM in Construction H&S’ focuses on issues and processes related to appointing and managing stakeholders in terms of H&S. This focus will include the interface between clients, construction project managers, construction H&S agents, designers, quantity surveyors, contractors (construction managers), subcontractors (construction managers), and suppliers, including construction H&S managers and officers, and other stakeholders. The theme was identified due to the role of procurement and SCM in H&S, the issues that arise, and mention of the supply chain relative to ‘accidents’, and collapses in the media.
The summit will be of relevance to architects, Construction H&S Agents / Managers / Officers, engineers, inspectors, interior designers, project managers, quantity surveyors, and all interested construction role players.
Day 1 will feature presentations addressing, among other, cidb update, pre-qualifying CHSAs, prevention through design, the role of public sector procurement in construction H&S, SACPCMP update, Section 37 of the OHS Act: acts or omissions by employees or mandatories, statistics and the cost of accidents (FEM), and the role of BIM in managing the supply chain during temporary works. These will be followed by an ‘H&S Rant: What keeps me awake at night! courtesy of the delegates. The official proceedings on day 1 will be followed by a networking function.
Day 2 will feature workshops, namely contracts and H&S issues, costing and pricing for CHSA services, ISO 45001, prevention through design, and temporary works design. The official proceedings on day 2 will be followed by the ACHASM AGM.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS) will award 12 CPD hours in Category 1, the South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) will award 10 CPD hours (Category A - Core) (Validation No. SACPCMP/CPD/13/004RV), and the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health will award 5 CPD points.
Commercial Opportunities
Exhibition stands, and sponsorship opportunities can be availed of.
The programme and registration form can be downloaded here:
Professor John Smallwood
Mobile No.: +27 83 659 2492
E-mail: [email protected]
Jackie Fort:
Mobile No.: +27 76 263 0549
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