
ACHASM Presentations

A review of injury stats and the costs of accidentsPresented by Herman Enoch at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 20182.95 Mb10/18/2024
Client contributions to contractors’ H&S: A general contractor’s perspectiveA presentation to the ACHASM ‘Client Lead CH&S Symposium’ 21 August 2013 by Shaun Webber3.54 Mb10/18/2024
Construction H&S Competencies and PerformanceThis presentation was made by Prof. John Smallwood a director of ACHASM at Inaugural Project and Construction Management Professions Conference in 2013568.80 Kb10/18/2024
Construction H&S Practitioners' Developmental NeedsPresented by John Smallwood & Claire Deacon at the CITC Global Construction in the 21st Century Conference in London; 09-11 September 2019393.50 Kb10/18/2024
Construction Occupational Health and Hygiene Pre-MortemsA presentation by Ms Julie Hills (Chairperson SAIOH) at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, Durban, 10-11 October 2016972.36 Kb10/18/2024
Consultants Fees April 2017Made available by Peter Dobson at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town192.86 Kb10/18/2024
Core values that support HSW in constructionPresented by John Smallwood at the 35th annual ARCOM annual conference in Leeds, UK; 02-04 September 2019504.34 Kb10/18/2024
Costing and Pricing For PrCHSA ServicesPresented by Peter Dobson at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town1.11 Mb10/18/2024
Department of Labour presentationA presentation to the ACHASM ‘Client Lead CH&S Symposium’ 21 August 2013 by Phumudzo Maphaha4.80 Mb10/18/2024
Design Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)Presentation delivered by Prof. John Smallwood at the 'Central Europe towards Sustainable Building' Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. 22-24 June 2016739.37 Kb10/18/2024
Designing for Construction ErgonomicsPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the PERI Workshop in Centurion, 23 May 20171.12 Mb10/18/2024
Designing for Construction Ergonomics Presented by John Smallwood1.12 Mb10/18/2024
Designing for Construction ErgonomicsPresentation delivered by Prof. John Smallwood at the 'Central Europe towards Sustainable Building' Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. 22-24 June 2016896.58 Kb10/18/2024
Designing for Construction H&S and Ergonomics ModelThis presentation was made by Prof. John Smallwood and Claire Deacon Dept. of Construction Management in 20132.09 Mb10/18/2024
Ergonomics in the Construction IndustryThis presentation prepared by Prof. John Smallwood was delivered at an ESSA Department of Labour Workshop at Rhodes University, Grahamstown on 26-27 July 20121.59 Mb10/18/2024
Essential Factors to ensure Successful (Safe) Temporary WorksA presentation by Mr. Riaan Brits (Technical Director, PERI), at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, Durban 10-11 October6.17 Mb10/18/2024
Excavation Health & SafetyPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the ACHASM 2017 Summit, Port Elizabeth 16-17 October 20173.78 Mb10/18/2024
Factors that promote Zero Fatalities, Injuries and Disease in ConstructionPresentation by Prof John Smallwood at the ARCOM 32nd Annual Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom. 5 - 7 September 2016885.41 Kb10/18/2024
Guide for Consultant Fees January 2003Made available by Peter Dobson at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town198.31 Kb10/18/2024
H&S as a strategic issue when managing the business of ConstructionA presentation by Prof. John Smallwood at the MBA WC OHS Seminar, 21 April 20165.67 Mb10/17/2024
H&S Practices in the Zimbabwean Construction IndustryPresented by Estina Chipato, Benviolent Chigara, and John Smallwood at the 14th International Conference – Organisation, Technology, and Management In Construction (OTMC) Zagreb, Croatia, 04 – 06 September 2019235.09 Kb10/18/2024
Horror of Post-mortemsA Presentation by Mr Herman Enoch (FEM Marketing & Communications Manager) at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, 10-11 October 20161.45 Mb10/18/2024
INDUSTRY 4.0 IN CONSTRUCTION: PRACTITIONERS’ PERCEPTIONSPresentation by John Smallwood & Chris Allen at the 36th CIB W078 2019 Conference, Newcastle, UK, 18 – 20 September 20191.40 Mb10/18/2024
Influencing Workers' performance through Health & Safety InterventionsPresented by Prof. John Smallwood & Winn-Yam Ayessaki at the 7th International conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM) in Bialystok, Poland. 21-23 September 2016397.08 Kb10/18/2024
Integration of Design, Procurement & Construction relative to H&SA Presentation by Prof. John Smallwood at the International Seeds Conference 2016; (Sustainability Ecology Engineering Design for Society) in Leeds, UK on 14-15 September 2016 544.62 Kb10/18/2024
ISO 45001_2018Presented by Rowland Adams at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018933.76 Kb10/18/2024
LInking H&S and Construction in the Public Sector - A Case StudyA presentation to the ACHASM ‘Client Lead CH&S Symposium’ 21 August 2013 by Claire Deacon3.84 Mb10/18/2024
Managing Asbestos during ConstructionPresented by Steven Julius at the 5th annual SHECASA Conference933.76 Kb10/18/2024
Managing H&S on Construction SitesPresented by Philisa Twabu, and John Smallwood at the 14th International Conference – Organisation, Technology, and Management In Construction (OTMC) Zagreb, Croatia, 04 – 06 September 2019 180.66 Kb10/18/2024
MANAGING QUALITY IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENTPresented by Prof John Smallwood at the KZN MBA Building Industry Forum, Durban, 12 March 20142.99 Mb10/18/2024
Mandatary Agreement also known as the 37_2Made available by Andre Burger at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018114.68 Kb10/18/2024
Mandatary FormMade available by Andre Burger at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018128.20 Kb10/21/2024
Mass & Density of Materials: Civil Engineering Student PerceptionsJohn Smallwood - 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics730.42 Kb10/17/2024
Motor Vehicle Accidents during ConstructionPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the Federated Employers Mutual Assurance (FEM) Company MVA Workshop; Port Elizabeth 18 September 20182.71 Mb10/21/2024
Negotiating and managing Conflict relative to H&SA presentation by Mr Anton Krause from RAG Strategists at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, 10-11 October 2016906.79 Kb10/21/2024
Noise-induced hearing loss: A South African case studyA presentation by Coen Buddingh Occupational Health and Safety Advisors CC and Prof. John Smallwood at IEA 2006 16th World congress on ergonomics held in Maastricht, The Netherlands on 10-14 July 2006376.44 Kb10/21/2024
Optimising your health and safety (H&S) performance and reaping the benefits thereofThis presentation was made by Prof. John Smallwood a director of ACHASM at the recent Prosafe: Achieving Zero Harm Target Conference held in Johannesburg on 18-19 October 2012.2.51 Mb10/21/2024
Performance of Construction Health & Safety Agents (CHSAs)Presented by Dr. Claire Deacon and Professor John Smallwood at the 9th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC9), Velentia 24-28 July 2017259.36 Kb10/21/2024
Performance of Construction Health & Safety Officers (CHSOs)Presented by Dr. Claire Deacon and Professor John Smallwood at the joint CIB W099 and TG 59 International Safety, Health and People in Construction Conference, Cape Town, 11-13 June 2017259.36 Kb10/17/2024
Pre-qualifying CHSAsDeveloped by Prof Theo Haupt. Presented by Prof Innocent Musonda at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018892.08 Kb10/17/2024
Preventing accidents in constructionA presentation by Prof. John Smallwood Dept. of Construction Management Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa at South Africa Health and Safety conference held in Midrand on 14 May 20144.91 Mb10/17/2024
Preventing Collapse of RC Framed Structures & Support Work in ConstructionPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the ACHASM Eastern Cape Chapter meeting, Port Elizabeth, 16 March 20174.70 Mb10/17/2024
Preventing the Collapse of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures, Support Work and Form-work during ConstructionPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the PERI Workshop in Centurion, 23 May 20175.97 Mb10/17/2024
Prevention through DesignPresented by Dr. Claire Deacon & Prof John Smallwood at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 20183.02 Mb10/17/2024
Primary Health Promotion in ConstructionA Presentation by Prof. John Smallwood at the International Seeds Conference 2016; (Sustainability Ecology Engineering Design for Society) in Leeds, UK on 14-15 September 2016 565.35 Kb10/17/2024
Procurement and the cost of Health and Safety on sitePresented by Deon Bester at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018120.43 Kb10/17/2024
Project X: Strip to shell and asbestos removalA presentation to the ACHASM ‘Client Lead CH&S Symposium’ 21 August 2013 by Peter Dobson2.89 Mb10/17/2024
Rates ror Reimbursable Expenses as from September 2018Made available by Peter Dobson at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town441.65 Kb10/17/2024
SACPCMP CHS Registration StatsPresented by Vince Harmse at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018883.56 Kb10/17/2024
SACPCMP TrajectoryA presentation by Ms Nomvula Rakolote (Registrar, SACPCMP) at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, Durban, 10-11 October 20164.24 Mb10/17/2024
Subcontractor Health and Safety ChallengesPresented by Rowland Adams at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018868.85 Kb10/17/2024
Systems Thinking in Workplace Safety & Health in ConstructionPresented by John Smallwood4.51 Mb10/18/2024
The Effectiveness of Health and Safety (H&S) Training and its Impact on Construction Workers’ Attitudes, and Perceptions Presented by Tafadzwa Mushayi, Dr. Claire Deacon and Professor John Smallwood at the 8th International Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management (EPPM) in Amman, Jordan, 19-21 September 2017201.79 Kb10/21/2024
The impact of annual employee medicals on a general contractor (GC) and it's employees' sustainability This presentation was made by Prof. John Smallwood and Claire Deacon at Achieving Sustainable Construction Health and Safety CIB W99 Conference held in Lund, Sweden on 1-3 June 2014476.57 Kb10/21/2024
The Influence of Architectural Technologists on Construction ErgonomicsPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the 5th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore 8-9 May, 2017648.75 Kb10/21/2024
The Mandatary Agreement - PresentationPresented by Andre Burger at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018432.72 Kb10/21/2024
The motivators for addressing construction health and safety (H&S): A hierarchical perspectiveA presentation by Prof.John Smallwood Dept. of Construction Management Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa at Achieving Sustainable Construction Health and Safety CIB W99 Conference held in Lund, Sweden on 1-3 June 2014404.85 Kb10/21/2024
The need for the inclusion of construction health and safety (H&S) in architectural educationA presentation by Prof.John Smallwood Dept. of Construction Management Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa at Architecture Otherware XXV international union of architects congress, Durban, South Africa held on 4-9 August 2014595.90 Kb10/21/2024
The Performance of CHSAs and CHSOs: Research FeedbackPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the ACHASM 2017 Summit, Port Elizabeth 16-17 October 2017474.11 Kb10/21/2024
The Realities of Construction Health and SafetyA presentation by Professor John Smallwood at the 4th Project and Construction Management Professions Conference in Sandton, 26-28 October 20162.57 Mb10/21/2024
The Role of BIM in Managing the Supply Chain during Temporary WorksPresented by Riaan Brits at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 20185.25 Mb10/21/2024
The Role of Client Baseline Risk AssessmentsA presentation by Mr Leighton Bennet (BenRisk Consulting) at the 2016 ACHASM Summit, Durban, 10-11 October 20166.71 Mb10/21/2024
The Role of Engineers in Construction H&SA presentation by Prof. John Smallwood at the Civilution Congress held in Midrand on 9-10 May 20166.20 Mb10/21/2024
The role of 'Greening' and an ecosystem approach to enhancing construction ergonomicsA presentation by Rita Obiozo PhD (Construction Management) Candidate and Prof. John Smallwood at ARCOM 29 Reading, UK, 2-4 September 2013 Association of Researchers in Construction Management 350.51 Kb10/21/2024
The role of property developers, owners and managers in construction H&S A presentation by Prof. John Smallwood at the SAPOA P.E. Breakfast Seminar, 19 May 20169.51 Mb10/17/2024
The Role of Public Sector Procurement in Construction Health and SafetyPresented by Dr. Claire Deacon at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018840.03 Kb10/21/2024
The Role of Quantity Surveyors in CHS (Financial Provisions for CHS)Presented by Professor Smallwood at the 2014 Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, USA, 19-21 May, 2014376.25 Kb10/21/2024
Treasury Instruction No 3 of 2017-18 - Revised CostMade available by Peter Dobson at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town4.47 Mb10/17/2024
Update on the cidb SchemesPresented by Ishmail Cassiem at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018842.32 Kb10/21/2024
When is a CHSA really requiredPresented by Marius Eppenberger at the 2018 ACHASM 2 day Summit in Cape Town, 01-02 October 2018211.66 Kb10/21/2024
Women, construction, ergonomics and health and safetyThis presentation was made by Prof. John Smallwood a director of ACHASM at Women in Construction 2012 held on 24-25 October 2012.3.10 Mb10/21/2024
Women, Construction, Ergonomics and Health and SafetyPresented by Professor John Smallwood at the Women in Construction Conference in Johannesburg, 24-25 October 20123.10 Mb10/21/2024